Paradromics CEO Matt Angle on the Neuralink Demo

Paradromics CEO Matt Angle was interviewed on Scripps News about recent advancements in brain computer interfaces (BCI).
March 22, 2024

Paradromics CEO Matt Angle was interviewed live this morning on Scripps News about recent advancements in brain computer interfaces (BCI). Matt provided context for the recent Neuralink cursor-control demonstration with the first patient from their IDE study, which was shared to the social media platform X. Matt highlighted the over 15 years of clinical research upon which the leading implantable BCI companies–including Paradromics, Neuralink, Synchron, and Precision Neuroscience–are building. These clinical demonstrations from the BrainGate Consortium have used the Blackrock Neurotech “Utah Array” device to enable patients to control computer cursors, move robotic arms, and imagine handwriting to produce text. Matt also emphasized the ethical imperative of ensuring patients have access to these life-changing technologies and the efforts of the recently-formed iBCI Collaborative Community which is working toward that end.

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