
Optics in Neural Recording Part I: Let there be Light

April 11, 2022
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Welcome back to Neurotech Pub! This episode is one of a two part series on optical methods for recording and stimulating neural activity.

Our guests on this episode are Elizabeth Hillman, PhDMark Schnitzer, PhD, and Jacob Robinson, PhD. So far, our technical dives have focused mainly on direct electrical recording and stimulation of neural activity, but in this episode we deep dive into advantages that all-optical interfaces might have over electrical interfaces, and the challenges in developing them.

In addition, we talk about running highly collaborative, interdisciplinary projects that span traditional physics and engineering with biology, a theme that is ever-present in neurotech and is also highlighted in part two of this series.


Show Notes

Latest news & publications since recording:

>> Hillman Lab: New publication on SCAPE in Nature Biomedical Engineering

>> Robinson Lab: Review article in Optica on Recent advances in lensless imaging

>> Robinson Lab: BioRxiv pre-print on in vivo fluorescence imaging

1:23 | The Heart and Soul of a Paper

2:32| Ultrasmall Mode Volumes in Dielectric Optical Microcavities

3:01 | Robinson Lab

4:01 | Hillman Lab

4:07 | Zuckerman Institute

4:15 | Schnitzer Lab

4:25 | Howard Hughes Medical Institute

4:41| Miniature Fluorescence Microscope

9:02 | Discovery of DNA Structure and Function

10:25 | Hodgkin–Huxley Equations

13:49 | Vessel Dilation in the Brain

16:03 | State of the art of Neural Optical Recording

18:03 | Long-Term Optical Access to an Estimated One Million Neurons in Mouse Cortex

24:56 | Watch the Crystal Skull video

27:45 | High-Speed Cellular-Resolution Light Beads Microscopy

29:54 | Relationship between spiking activity and calcium imaging

32:50 | Analytical & Quantitative Light Microscopy [AQLM]

32:59 | Imaging Structure & Function in the Nervous System

35:22 | NIH Brain Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN)

35:54 | Allen Brain Atlas: Cell Types

40:17 | A Theory of Multineuronal Dimensionality, Dynamics and Measurement

46:19 | Dr. Laura Waller's DIY Diffuser Cam

50:38 | FlatCam by Robinson Lab

53:42 | Advantages of MEG

55:06 | Random Access Two Photon Scanning Techniques

56:07 | Swept Confocally-Aligned Planar Excitation (SCAPE)

58:47 | Optics Systems for Implantable BCIs

1:00:43 | GCaMP - Janelia GECI reagents

1:01:33 | DARPA NESD Program

1:04:06 | SCAPE Microscopy for High-Speed Volumetric Imaging of Behaving Organisms

1:07:00 | Glial Response to Implanted Electrodes

1:07:07 | Brain Tissue Responses to Neural Implants

1:09:36 | Two Deaths in Gene Therapy Trial for Rare Muscle Disease

1:10:46 | Intrinsic Optical Signal due to Blood Oxygenation

1:11:11 | Coupling Mechanism and Significance of the BOLD Signal

1:12:10 | DARPA invests in Treating Mood Disorders

1:12:57 | Amygdalar Representations of Pain

1:13:48 | Fast Optical Signals: Principles, Methods, and Experimental Results

1:14:12 | Dr. Larry Cohen's early work in Neurophotonics

1:14:42 | Linear Systems Analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Additional Resource

1:16:20 | Flavoprotein Fluorescence Imaging in Neonates | Additional Resource

1:18:02 | Pumped Probe Microscopy

1:19:26 | Biological Imaging of Chemical Bonds by Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy

1:19:36 | Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering microscopy (CARS)

1:19:55 | Min Lab @ Columbia

1:20:06 | Glucose Analog for Stimulated Raman Scattering

1:20:39 | Emerging Paradigms for Aspiring Neurotechnologists

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